PBSIS Helping Schools Build Systems of Support

Description of NJ PBSIS

New Jersey Positive Behavior Support in Schools (NJ PBSIS) is a collaboration between the New Jersey Department of Education Office of Special Education and The Boggs Center, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and funded by I.D.E.A Part B.

NJ PBSIS provides comprehensive professional development to support the implementation of tiered interventions that provide equitable access to a range of school intervention needs including conduct, behavior and social and emotional wellness. Since 2003, NJ PBSIS annually enrolls a cohort of schools whose personnel participate in a three-year professional development experience to design and implement a plan for their tiered intervention system. There is no cost to schools or districts to apply, enroll, or receive the professional development services.  However, only schools that successful complete a competitive application process are eligible for services.  Visit the Enrollment tab for more information


To provide high-quality professional development supports and resources to build state-wide capacity among school and district personnel to design and implement a multi-tier system of support that results in New Jersey students having equitable access to a continuum of social, emotional, and behavioral wellness interventions.

Implementation of multi-tiered systems of support foster learning environments that contribute to everyone…

  • being safe emotionally, physically, and socially.
  • experiencing success every day.
  • receiving what they need to be successful.
  • working together to achieve goals.
  • feeling welcomed and valued.
  • further developing their strengths.

Commitment to Equity in the Design of Multi-Tier Intervention Systems

The NJ PBSIS team is committed to supporting our school and district partners to install systems and practices that promote equitable outcomes for all New Jersey students. We acknowledge historic disparities and commit to a capacity building model that centers systems and practices that

  • Purposefully engages and empowers students, staff, and caregivers as decision-making partners in the design of MTSS (system of intervention);
  • Recognizes and honors the importance of the unique stories and experiences of NJ students, families, and staff in the design of social, emotional, and behavioral supports; and that
  • Centers implementation practices that regard and treat all students and families with dignity and respect, especially during moments when social, emotional, and behavioral needs create vulnerability for negative outcomes.

 The NJ PBSIS team commits to 4 action steps within our capacity building model to realize our mission:

  • Continually reflect on the extent to which decision-making centers equity, inclusion, and access;
  • Draw upon and share resources that support our school and district partners to make equity-driven policy, system, and practices decisions
  • Listen to and act upon interest holder input; and
  • Engage in continuous professional development, reflection, and self-evaluation.